How to Install Culture Stone Cladding?
Culture stone cladding supply a decorative and protective covering for both exterior and interior walls. Installing culture stone wall panel is a quite similar process to installing tile on walls. With the right tools and instruction, the installation can be simplified. A properly installed cultured stone installation will add a tremendous visual appeal to the.. read more →
The Reasons for Choosing Manufactured Stone
Manufactured stone is not a simple title of stone, it is processed by a certain decorative effect and made of a class of decorative building materials. Culture stone attractive feature is the color of the lines to maintain the original natural style, coupled with the deployment of color change. Showing the connotation and art of.. read more →
Manufactured Stone for Decorate Home Ideas
Do you like to decorate your home in elegant, comfortable, practical and attractive ways? Modern interior designs with manufactured stone could meet these demands. Unique texture, shapes and colors which look fabulous that different from other building materials. In contemporary, artificial stone adds warmth and fantastic flair to your home decorating and create amazing accent.. read more →
The Remarkable Origin and Superiority for Artificial Culture Stone
In the 1950s, Mr. MEL who is the owner of CORONADO have the opportunity to visit Xi’an, China, in ancient mountain Hengxing Culture Stone saw the local clay brick production, thus he generated inspiration and returned to the United States began using the cement sand and other imitation the natural stone materials to produce artificial.. read more →