Teach You How to Clean Leiyuan Manufactured Culture Stone?

Manufactured Culture Stone Veneers have become a hot commodity in today’s homes. They look fantastic, last forever and cost only a fraction of what a natural stone wall would. They are so popular; many people have taken them on as a DIY project. Leiyuan Manufactured Culture Stone has been growing in popularity with most consumers.. read more →

Leiyuan Manufactured Cultured Stone Benefits Over Natural Stone.

As you know, stone is loved for its durability, strength and authenticity. It is recognised as a material that adds beauty and character to any space. But despite this, stone is also heavy, difficult to install, expensive cost and limited in terms of choice. Leiyuan Manufactured Culture Stone recognised the opportunity to overcome these issues.. read more →

Most Frequently Asked Questions for Cultured Stone

  Q. Is this real stone? A. Cultured Stone products are manufactured stones with the additional advantages of lightweight and ease of installation pus global availability. Q.What are Cultured Stone products made of? A. Cultured Stone products are cast in molds taken from carefully-selected natural stone, using a process that faithfully captures even the faintest.. read more →

Why customer like Artificial Culture Stone?

In the 1960s, a man named Mason mason invented “the artificial culture stone “principle, after that, Garrett and Floyd Brown pumice stone and other materials developed” artificial culture stone products. Artificial culture stone products began to be used in high-end villas and are decorated in the western region of California, and quickly occupied the whole.. read more →

Cultural Stone Shows Homes Massive Potential.

Cultural stone, also called artificial culture stone, cultured stone, faux stone, stone veneer,  is suitable for any style and any location, stone provides a sense of solidity, permanence and strength. Whether used in blocks or as a veneer, stone can yield a full spectrum of results. Options for which stone you use and how you.. read more →